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Liquid Rhinoplasty



Liquid rhinoplasty, a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgical procedures, has become a sought-after method for reshaping and refining the nose. At the forefront of this delicate art is Rebecca Gladman Aesthetics, renowned for its meticulous approach to dermal fillers.

What is a Liquid Rhinoplasty?
Traditional rhinoplasty involves surgical intervention to reshape and enhance the appearance of the nose. Liquid rhinoplasty, on the other hand, utilizes injectable dermal fillers to achieve similar results without the need for incisions or downtime. This non-surgical approach is particularly appealing for those seeking subtle corrections, enhanced symmetry, or temporary adjustments to the nasal profile.

Consultation and Assessment:
The process begins with a thorough consultation between the client and Rebecca. During this consultation, Rebecca assesses the client's facial anatomy, discusses the client's aesthetic goals, and determines if liquid rhinoplasty is a suitable option.

Selection of Dermal Fillers:
The Rebecca selects appropriate dermal fillers for the procedure. Common fillers used for liquid rhinoplasty include hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Juvederm or Revolax. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that adds volume and plumpness.

Topical Anesthesia:
Before the injection, a topical anaesthetic may be applied to the nose to minimise discomfort during the procedure. Some dermal fillers also contain lidocaine, a local anaesthetic, to enhance client comfort.

Injection Process:
Rebecca strategically injects small amounts of the chosen dermal filler into specific areas of the nose to achieve the desired results. The injections are typically administered along the bridge, tip, or other areas of the nose that require augmentation or correction.

Sculpting and Molding:
As the filler is injected, Rebecca sculpts and moulds the nose to create a more symmetrical, balanced, or refined appearance. The goal is to address concerns such as nasal asymmetry, a dorsal hump, or a drooping tip.

Immediate Results:
One of the key advantages of liquid rhinoplasty is that the results are visible immediately. Clients can see the changes in the shape and contour of their noses right after the procedure.

Minimal Downtime:
Liquid rhinoplasty typically involves minimal downtime. Clients can often resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. However, some temporary side effects, such as swelling or bruising, may occur.

Temporary Nature of Results:
It's important to note that the results of liquid rhinoplasty are temporary. Over time, the body naturally metabolises the filler, and the effects gradually diminish. The duration of results varies from person to person but often lasts several months to a year.

After-care for a Dermal filler:

You will be provided with arnica cream, which can be applied immediately to help prevent bruises
Ice Packs: Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the treated area gently for the first 24 hours. 20 minutes at a time. This can help reduce swelling and discomfort.
- Avoid Makeup: Refrain from applying makeup to the treated area for at least 6 hours post-treatment. This minimizes the risk of infection or irritation.
- Avoid Strenuous Activity: For the first 24 to 48 hours, avoid strenuous exercise and activities that may increase blood flow to the treated area. This can help prevent excessive swelling or bruising.
- Gentle Cleansing: When you resume your skincare routine, be gentle when cleansing the treated area for the first few days.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as this can help your body heal and recover more efficiently.
- Avoid Sun and Heat: Avoid exposure to excessive heat and direct sunlight for the first few days. Heat can exacerbate swelling.
- Pain Relief: If you experience discomfort or pain, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers
- Sleep Position: Sleep with your head slightly elevated for the first few nights after treatment to further reduce swelling.

Liquid Rhinoplasty
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